(Special Article)

This weekend I held a contest in which I gave people the chance to win a spot in a raffle for one of three Torchic with the moves Night Slash, Flame Burst, Incinerate, and Toxic. To enter, a contestant had to win in a battle against me. 6 out of the 10 people who participated won, but only 3 out of the 6 will get a Torchic.

So who's ready to see the results?!
I assigned the winners a number and fed it into a random number generator, and the ones who were picked were...

Nick (@AnimalCrosser53)
Jen (@Eeveechick10)
Kin (@Togekisser)

Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everyone who participated! The battles were fantastic! Stay tuned for more gaming news and reviews, as well as more contests like this one in the near future!

If you were one of the winners, shoot me a tweet and tell me when you're available to trade for your prize!

-Generalist Gamer
(Special Article)

UPDATE 2: Registration and battles are now closed. Winners will be announced Sunday, November 4th.

UPDATE: Registration has been extended into today, Saturday November 3rd, due to the lack of entries. Scheduled battles will still take place today.

So I was sitting at my desk one day (as I always do), contemplating on ways to get more involved with you guys, considering I've got plenty of unique visitors to my site, but little to no feedback or comments.

And I thought, what better way to do that than to have a contest?

(Special Article)

Happy Halloween, everybody! Today's the day you give candy to children and scare the ever-loving shit out of 'em. But let's not let the kids hog all the fun, eh? Us older people can get scared too; in fact, we sometimes enjoy it (especially teens like me).

So I've got this disturbing urban legend I found a while back that I've been meaning to share, and now might be the right time. It's up to you whether or not you think it's true.